Welcome to Brandon Chiropractic Health Center's website!! We can't wait to serve Brandon, Sioux Falls and the surrounding communities! We are SO excited to be launching this site after what seems like a long time of working on it! We hope you will browse through and let us know what you think. We will be using this space to occassionally blog about all sorts of topics from chiropractic history (don't worry, just the interesting and amusing stuff) to information for you education and safety to interesting things we find in the news or may be doing here at the clinic! If there is any topic you'd really like to hear about, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to post about it.
What a week we've been having! From beautiful weather Tuesday and Wednesday to blizzards and wind these last few days! I know that we are all ready for spring, but as a friendly reminder, make sure that you are getting your exercise in (not just shoveling)! With a new year there are many resolutions to lose weight and to keep it is so helpful not only to your whole health, but also to your spine! It seems like in this climate, most of us often feel like those seals in the picture. Just not wanting to move at all in this arctic climate (that may be a little dramatic). Movement is Life! There are so many ways to increase your exercise throughout the day! Here are some small ideas and helpful reminders:
Take the steps when possible
Park farther away in the parking lot
Join a gym (research shows that group exercise is just as effective if not more effective than anti-depressants! Especially group exercise)
Join hot yoga! ( in this weather the "hot" portion of hot yoga is so refreshing!)
Do indoor activites like push ups, burpees and planks
Go for a walk (bundle up!)
If all else fails you can become a mall walker early in the morning!!
If you need the extra push, get an accountability partner! If you can't find one, give us a call and we will help encourage you! You will feel so much better once you get started! Have a blessed week and remember, we're always here for you when you need us!
-Dr. Paige Ward